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Dru Community

Awakening Soul Force Together

Joy is not in things -

it is inside of us

Magic Moments

Building Friendships


Explore greater

spiritual depth

Would you like to dive deeper into a spiritual life by discovering what it’s like to be part of a community that lives by yogic principles? The Dru Community has people from all ages, spread around the world who enjoy exploring the wonders of Sadhana, Seva, Sangha and Satsang.






“Be Noble. You have the power of the Stars and the Universe within you"
"My life has never been the same since i met the Dru Community."

Kate Couldwell


Life is a story. What does yours say?

Dru Community is a non-profit, which relies on your care and donations. If you would like to offer your support, it is possible to contribute by making a single donation or by becoming a monthly donor, which greatly helps with ongoing costs.

Support the Community

“Kindness in action is one of the few things that opens the soul."
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