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The Full Story

About us


University time

The Dru story began with a small group of students at Bangor University, North Wales. During their undergraduate years they explored the remarkable world of ancient yogic mysteries - their teachers were two Gandhians steeped in yogic science: Chagghanbai and Ecchaben Patel. 



The creation of Dru

After graduation these five friends: Chris Barrington, Rita Goswami, Annie Jones, John Jones and Mansukh Patel, on 6th May 1978, created what would later be known as ‘Dru’.  


Maristowe House opens

Chris, Rita, Annie, John and Mansukh did everything they could to make their dream come through. They got a loan to buy an old house and renovated it completely into the first Dru Centre. Our Centre in the Midlands,  known as Maristowe, is still shining brightly more than 40 years later.


Our own health food store


Friendship without Frontiers


Opening of Snowdonia Mountain Lodge

"The Flame that transforms... If you don't believe in miracles, this flame will change your mind"

Sandra Leary, about the World Peace Flame

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